ACBC Signs Collaboration Agreement with Green Partnership of Industrial Parks in China

06 Dec 2022

A memorandum of understanding has been signed between Australia China Business Council and the Green Partnership of Industrial Parks in China during the ACBC Low Carbon & Innovation Forum (Online).

Attended by over 500 guests in China and Australia, the partnership is a further strengthening of ACBC’s Green Channel initiative, focused on developing the economic opportunities from greater collaboration with China on the climate challenge.

Australia’s leading member-based bilateral business organisation, (ACBC), and the GPIPC, representing 250 of the China’s National level Economic and Technical Development Zones signed the agreement to cap off formalities of the December 5 forum.

ACBC National President Mr. David Olsson stated that “this is a demonstration of ACBC’s belief in the benefits of collaboration on the path to net-zero”, and is one of the many initiatives to be actioned following the release of their milestone report in September on the opportunities from greater collaboration with China.

In the agreement, ACBC and GPIC will together share research findings, improve knowledge exchanges, facilitate introductions at the sister province level, and facilitate the sharing of information among members.

A series of cross-border, high-level webinars will also be organised by ACBC and GPIC addressing market developments, policies, and opportunities for collaboration, as well as supporting the facilitation of cross-border, in-market delegations.

GPIPC, under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), recently released a report capturing the economic and environmental performance of businesses within their member Parks, (available in ACBC website), and ACBC is working with GPIPC to deliver the agreed knowledge sharing within its Green Channel programs in 2023.

As a key outcome of the forum, ACBC and GPIPC will lead business activation in the path to higher quality economic growth, and are both committed to the possibility of achieving net zero faster, together.


ACBC Overview

The Australia China Business Council is Australia’s leading non-government, member-based business organisation focused on the promotion of productive trade and investment with China, for mutual advantage.

ACBC was founded shortly after the establishment of diplomatic relations nearly five decades ago and has branches in every state and territory of Australia, representing around 500 member companies. Members range from small and medium size enterprises to the largest corporations and institutions in Australia, across all industries and sectors.

ACBC exists to support and bring together individuals and companies to strengthen and build new relationships, share best practice, foster new opportunities, and provide practical support to help members trade, invest and engage productively in and with China.  For further information or for membership or sponsorship enquiries, please contact